Oh, Pisces, you slippery thing, you. You are a flowy water sign with deep empathy and compassion for others accompanied by a penchant for coming off as mysterious and the ability to escape into dreamland. Gotta love ‘em! Curated just for you, here are three podcasts for Pisces.
1. Lore
Lore is a spooky, non-fiction biweekly podcast that tells the real life stories that inspired common folklore, revealing their roots to be even scarier than fiction. You will love this podcast because of the melding of worlds between real and imaginary. And your history-loving side will learn more than you ever wanted to know.
2. Beautiful Anonymous
Beautiful Anonymous is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian Chris Gethard who answers only one phone call every episode from an anonymous caller who can talk about anything they like for one hour. You will love this because it delves into vulnerability with the cloak of obscurity, and the mystery of what each caller will reveal is too good to miss.
3. Modern Love
Modern Love is a podcast staple. It’s a weekly show that brings to life the most interesting, unique, moving, and heartfelt stories of love from The New York Times column of the same name. With essays read by talented voice actors, this podcast includes some updates on the authors of the submissions themselves. A perfect glimpse of all that love and relationships can be for an emotional Pisces.
FRQNCY Media is the audio production company for Jane Goodall, Diane von Furstenburg, Coca-Cola, and small businesses alike. FRQNCY is a one-in-a-million blend of innovation, passion, and joy. We offer tailored audio production support including integrated services that take (super-skilled) care of content strategy, market research, production, editing, and marketing.